Hear His Heart

do you rememberlong lazy days of summer?yeah, neither do i.in the past few years,life seems to be racing by…water through a sieve.kids fly, to and fro,so many activities,in search of more fun.my mom-heart calls out,“please come back and be with me,just let me...

“can you hear me now?”

don’t you just hate itwhen you try to call the Lord,but He won’t answer you know He called firstand left you a nice message,”i love you…call soon!” when its convenient you call back to make some plans.”hello, this is...

God is watching

My dear girls, In reading Genesis, chapters 15-17, and Luke 6, I get the feeling that God is near. He was with Abraham and promised to give him an expansive family.  “This is my covenant with you: I will make you the father of a multitude of...