do you remember

long lazy days of summer?

yeah, neither do i.

in the past few years,

life seems to be racing by…

water through a sieve.

kids fly, to and fro,

so many activities,

in search of more fun.

my mom-heart calls out,

“please come back and be with me,

just let me hold you…”

how much more does God,

our loving, heavenly Dad,

long to draw us close?

He calls us to rest,

to abide in His presence,

to sit at His feet.

He sends the sunshine,

and the seasons in their course,

for us to enjoy.

His hands of blessing

release good gifts from above,

from His rich storehouse.

I beg you, slow down…

no earthly thing can compare;

to resting in Him.


my dear girls,

God has instructed us to remember the Sabbath, and to keep it holy, set apart. So many times we live our lives without margin, without wiggle room in our schedules. But Father God longs for you to come and curl up on His lap so He can hold you and restore your soul. He wants His children to set aside time to focus on Him and be with Him. God wants it, but we need it to survive and thrive.

with love,
