Fog or Flashlight

“The Lord went ahead of [the Israelites]. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and he provided light at night with a pillar of fire.” Exodus 13:21 My dear girls, Have you ever felt that, in life, you are unsure of the path before you...

Listen and Obey

“When the Lord saw that He had caught Moses’ attention, God called to him from the bush.” Exodus 3:4″But Moses pleaded with the Lord, ‘O Lord, I’m just not a good speaker.'” Exodus 4:10  My dear girls, How do you...

God is a Planner

My dear girls,Do you prefer things to be planned out or to happen more spontaneously? I like to watch the events in Genesis and Exodus unfold. It’s like God also planned the end from the beginning.Captivity and deliverance were foretold to Abraham.Before...