a caterpillar…

the Bride of Christ crawls along,

so low to the ground.


the watching world scoffs,

“God is dead! you are stupid!

let go of your faith!”


persecution comes…

through the ages we plod on,

holding on to hope.


where is the Church now?

denominations may shrink

and leaders die off.


God is in control…

His plans will not be thwarted…

we can still trust Him.


so, where is the Church?

restrained by the chrysalis…

waiting for the time


when we will break out…

stifled no more, free to fly…

butterfly beauty.


this generation,

letting go of tradition,

will take to the skies.


we embrace our King,

Emmanuel, God with us.

He is on the throne.


we bring Him glory

as we radiate His love…

the plan all along.


My dear girls, 

the traditions of yesteryear do not need to dictate your faith in Jesus today. Your relationship with Jesus should be very personal, but not private. Your Christianity should make you more attractive, and not less, as God’s love overflows from your full heart. 

with love, Mom