i love the Bible…

the ‘do nots’ are the best part…

soon you will agree.


“do not be afraid…

for i am always with you…

i will give you strength.” (Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 41:10)


“and do not worry

about what you’ll eat or drink…

God will care for you.” (Matthew 6:31,32)


“do you want straight paths?

don’t lean on your own wisdom,

instead, trust in God.” (Proverbs 3:5,6)


“do not be anxious…

ask God with a thankful heart,

and His peace will come.” (Philippians 4:6,7)


it may not make sense…

in my weakness He is strong

and mighty to save! (2 Corinthians 12:9,10)


My dear girls, 

I want you to remember that I may fail you, over and over. But God never will. His promises are written down for you in the Bible…so you can read them again and again.


with love, Mom