kids want to be close…
they may say the opposite,
but don’t believe them.
if you lead with love
they won’t fight to be in charge…
it’s simple, but true.
train them up with grace…
seek them out when they push back…
make room for mistakes.
remember, they’re young…
they need parents to guide them
along unknown paths.
kids do what they see…
we must model forgiveness,
and do what we say.
say ‘yes’ more than ‘no’…
teach responsibility
and resourcefulness.
(kids from hard places
arrive at a deficit…
goals won’t be the same.
they have diff’rent needs
than biological kids…
but don’t isolate).
‘good’ isn’t the goal…
‘healthy adults’ is our aim,
that know and love God
we just carry them
’till they can walk on their own…
and carry others
these are lessons that i learned from my nearly 2 decades as a mother…maybe they will help you…
love, Mom