“Then Moses went down to the people and repeated all the instructions and regulations the Lord had given him. All the people andwered with one voice, ‘We will do everything the Lord has commanded.'” Exodus 24:3


My dear girls, 

Repeatedly in Exodus (24:3, 24:7, et al) the Israelites committed to obeying the commands given by the Lord.  But, the advantage of living thousands of years later, is that we can see how their path didn’t line up with their promises. They were a faithless and adulterous generation, longing to be in charge of their own destiny. I wonder, how could they be so fickle?

Oh, but I could be that way, too! When I start to drift from my Shepherd, thinking, “Surely I have the strength to navigate this path on my own,” then soon I see my faith start to disentigrate. I want these people to serve as an example and a warning so that I don’t walk down the same path.

Pray with me, “Dear Lord, thank You for giving us the Bible, a guidebook that can keep us on the narrow path headed towards You. ‘Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.’ Amen.”

With love, Mom


original journal entry 1.30.2012