My dear girls,

Our Heavenly Father is deeply committed to you, just as He was to the patriarch Abraham. Genesis 15-17 tells of the covenant God established with Abram/Abraham. God promised countless descendants, slavery, wealth, and a forever home. He even promised the destruction of the Amorites, whose sins did “not yet warrant their destruction,” (Genesis 15:16).

But none of these promises were fulfilled quickly. Abraham was promised descendants at the age of 75; he didn’t receive the child of promise for 25 more years. God would, however, drop in periodically and remind Abram of their covenant. Genesis 17:7  states that the covenant even went beyond Abraham’s  lifetime. “I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.” God was committed to the covenant; He asked Abraham to circumcise himself and his household to show their reciprocal commitment.

In the same way, what will we circumcise to demonstrate that we are also committed to God’s covenant? What are those private areas we cover up, hold close, protect? “This is mine,” we declare. “It’s nobody else’s business!” God is calling for a circumcision of the things in our heart that keep us looking like everyone else. He wants us to sever those things…and to focus on Him alone.

Pray with me, “dear Lord, I know You are here, desiring to be my God. And You want all of me. Please help me to walk in surrender. Show me the path You want me to travel, and give me the wisdom and strength to walk it. Thank You for Your promises that will come to pass in Your perfect timing. Amen.”

with love, Mom

original journal entry 1.06.2012