Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. – Psalm 55:22

King David was like everyone else; he had burdens, struggles, and trials. But he knew from experience that he could call on God “morning, noon, and night (Ps. 55:17)” and the Lord would hear his voice–and rescue him. David took these experiences and wrote psalms of praise during even the most difficult of circumstances . And those Psalms have been used to encourage countless generations (see Psalm 23, 91, & 139 et al). David was a man after God’s heart and he was exalted from shepherd boy to king.

My life has also been full of ups and downs. “Eight kids?! How do you do it?” I’ve heard this question more times than I can count.  When we experience hard times we can let God use our mouths and our words to build the faith of those around us, those who will  go through similar things.

These letters will serve as a road map for those who will follow me; a map, a chart of sorts. In essence, they say, “I’ve been down this road–this is the best way to navigate these waters, this trail, these obstacles.” I am writing them to my six daughters, but you are more than welcome read them too…and share them with those who are following you.

As you take a peek into my world; I’ll show you “how we do it.” Maybe you’ll be inspired & encouraged to do it yourself.

original journal entry 5.11.2015